
Investing with ambiguity.

Living with ambiguity is the first lesson we teach our Analysts at #FirstGlobal. A lesson that is particularly hard for the engineers to grasp 😊

The Difference between education & real life is this: 

  • In Maths and Science, the problems have a known set of variables with definite values (speed, direction etc)

  • Whereas decisions in real life, and particularly the markets, are made with variables that are unknown or even unknowable

This lesson has been brought home to us in stark terms over the last few weeks. After all, which investor in IRCTC could have foreseen that for the first time since its inception, Indian Railways would suspend all passenger trains.

While this may appear a Black Swan event, remember uncertainty is baked into markets. It is their very essence.

Life and #markets can be modeled.

But be prepared for the unmodelable.

Only Hares can navigate out of such situations. 

Fast. Nimble. Panoramic Vision

Always be Hare-ish

Warmest Regards,

Devina Mehera

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